Well known for looking a bit like orange peel which can be easily spotted, cellulite is not an illness, but is just a rather unsightly characteristic of our skin. Closely linked to our hormones, this upper layer of fat situated just below the skin mostly affects women and, in fact, almost all women (70%). Nestling comfortably on our buttocks, thighs, but also sometimes our arms or stomach, cellulite can affect both slimmer and larger women and, unfortunately, diets have no effect on it. To really banish cellulite, you must first know what type it is:
- Adipose cellulite mostly affects women who are overweight and is noticeable when you pinch the skin: dimples start to appear but the skin on the whole stays smooth, soft and painless
.- Aqueous cellulite is the type that affects even the slimmest of women! Linked to poor lymphatic and venous circulation, it looks a bit like a group of small indents and dimples and is associated with more supple skin, in contrast with fibrous cellulite where the skin hardens.
- Fibrous cellulite is stubborn cellulite, meaning that it's been there for a long time. This is by far the hardest type of cellulite to get rid of and the most painful.