Face serum: the magic potion to add to your skin care routine

This ultra-concentrated elixir - face serum - is one of our main tips for beautiful skin. It helps the skin to regenerate, thus reinforcing the action of your moisturiser and increasing the effectiveness of your skin care routine. Don't leave it out of your skin regime... And here's why.
When serums arrived on the market, they started a little revolution in our skin care routine. With a serum, you are giving yourself a fighting chance to keep your beautiful, young skin.
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The sensory genius of the texture of serum

Its texture is perfect for a cosmetic: it is thinner than a cream, penetrates the skin in the blink of an eye and leaves a silky finish. Its benefits don't stop there: this airy texture works with the skin and allows the active ingredients to move quickly towards the cells and do their job. Even though it may seem this way, there is nothing magic about the benefits of serums; they just contain less water than a cream and more active ingredients. Serums are twice as concentrated as creams. Although, when they first arrived on shelves, it was recommended to use serums as a cure (especially at the change of seasons), now they can be used preventatively and as part of our daily skin care routine.  Apply it to clean, dry skin and let it sink in, gently rubbing and patting your skin. Then, after a few minutes, finish off with a moisturising cream, ideally from the same skin care range for the perfect synergy. You can repeat this in the evening, before your night cream. 
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Face serum: for a high-performance skin regime

Looking for increased action, reinforced effectiveness and extra performance? Face serums are chock full of technology, making them particularly powerful in assisting the cream used afterwards and one of our most effective tips for beautiful skin. This makes your skin care routine even more effective.  Having been demystified a few years ago (thanks to the Koreans, the leaders in the beauty industry), this complex skin care product owes its success to a high-quality formula which can contain either many ingredients or a high concentration of one agent. Serums therefore have a real added value for the skin, providing high performance every day.
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Face serum: a high flyer in terms of effectiveness

There is not just one serum, but many. You just need to choose a face serum based on your skin type and needs: each serum has a different function. The list of possible actions corresponds to your range of needs. All that's left to do is to target your serum according the help you need to achieve beautiful skin: - XL moisture, - mattifying, - anti dark spots, - radiance boost, - nourish irritated skin, - take care of wrinkles, - reduce lines that have already appeared, - tackle signs of fatigue.  For a well-rounded skin care routine, you can start applying serum at 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 years old.
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